Diamond giant ORRA unveiled a dazzling diamond bustier worth 1 million euros, the first of its kind, in Mumbai on March 25. Also on display was a range of other sparkling jewels and designer ensembles by designer Anamika Khanna -- models dazzled on the runway as part of the event, intended to promote Belgo-Indian trade. Take a look.
Model Anjali Lavanya had the honour of modelling the bustier, which is has been entirely created by hand and is studded with Belgian diamonds.
Model Anjali Lavanya had the honour of modelling the bustier, which is has been entirely created by hand and is studded with Belgian diamonds.
Intended as a Western concept that draws on traditional Indian motifs, the stunning jewelled piece was set off to perfection by a royal gold lehenga. And to ensure that it did turn out to be just perfect, a team of designers and craftsmen worked on it for almost six months.
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